Thursday, February 25, 2016

Connecting to Nice Fish on Dream: Monsters Still Elusive

David and I caught some beautiful fish on the Dream Stream today but the "true monsters" we were looking for eluded us. Best flies were San Juan Worm, black midge, red midge, and gray RS2. After a morning of hooking these wonderful creatures we concluded that "connecting" to something "bigger" than ourselves is a significant part of what makes fly fishing so unique and meaningful. 


  1. Great seeing you yesterday on the river, have a blessed weekend!

  2. Jim, Yeah, nice to run into you. I am not a big fan of social media but I guess it has its benefits. Seeking "Connection" or "true connection" is a big theme in my life so it was kind of you to say hello. Besides fishing I enjoy talking with folks in coffee shops, tying flies, and telling fishing stories so if you ever have time to meet, let me know. My wife and I live on the west side but I can easily travel down town to meet. Thanks again for making a connection.
