Friday, February 27, 2015

Getting A Rise: From a Fish Or the Millions of Snow flakes

Some people fly fish to get a rise. Some get a rise only by fishing a dry fly; Others, only by stalking big fish.

Skiers can get a rise from a steep slope blanketed in deep powder.  Some just like the experience of a quiet walk in the woods on snow shoes. There are many ways people can interact in nature and feel "some-thing" profound.

I try to change up my outdoor activities. During those beautiful Colorado days of bright warm sun I love to fish. I love summer days on the river when a million Mayflies are hatching all over the water and fish are going crazy. Of course, some of us know that even in winter, fly fishing can be phenomenal.

However, this past week with the frigid temperatures and persistent snow falls I am back on my skis. I had just about given up the hope that it would ever snow again along the front range and then this series of storms hit.  Skiing on new pure white snow that blankets the Earth does something for me.  I would imagine a person could get the same feeling of "some-thing" profound by partaking in any number of outdoor activities. I just prefer to ski.  And I prefer to ski close to home. I skied today in upper Crystal Park gliding on untouched snow that was 3 feet deep. That sensation gave me a rise.

What do we mean when we say, "We get a rise" out of something? This can mean many things to different people and I respect each persons unique experience. I would like to share what I think it means to me. For me to get a rise out of something means that I have a slight change or rise in consciousness. I think and feel differently and hopefully I live a little better because of that experience. If nothing else I am in a better mood and that is "some-thing".

Sometimes when in the middle of a snowstorm and I am gliding through the woods and the millions of snow flakes are falling and swirling all around me I think about what those snowflakes might be "saying."  No doubt there is some kind of energy in snowflakes and in a great storm.  I take it a step further and ask;  Do snow flakes, because they are part of God's creation have consciousness? I also wonder while fly fishing if all those millions of mayflies we sometimes see hatching on the Platte have consciousness? If they do, then what are they conscious of and what might they be thinking or saying ?

I never hear their voices. Nor can I read their minds. The good Book tells us that all of creation is praising their creator. Maybe all those snow flakes and all those bugs really are "singing" praises to their creator. When I participate by being in nature skiing, fishing or whatever it is, I get a rise and I think it is a rise of consciousness, however slight, to join with them. So, I try to join in with them. Why not?

How could millions of snow flakes or bugs in their absolute innocence be wrong?  

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