Thursday, November 1, 2012

To My knees: For A Big Brown

Few things bring me to my knees. I am careful in what I bow down to.
But when I saw a 25 inch Brown Trout with a caped jaw cruising the shallows just a few feet off the bank, I went down to my knees so I would not be seen.

The cast would be short but challenging given the sensitivity of a large Brown in shallow clear water. I could clearly see the fish moving along the bank occasionally sipping in a midge. There was no time to re-rig. My chewed up, 'cut and pasted',  leader would have to do.  No time to plan or practice cast.  I had to make a gentle and accurate cast with what I already had tied on to my 5x fluorocarbon tippet. The first fly was a size 18 copper john and the bottom fly was a size 22 gray RS2.  Why not, I thought?  I have to go with what I have on.

I thought of the old Iron John tale where by the soon to be hero decided to go to battle in the last hour. There was no time to prepare. All he had was a lame donkey. It could only hobble at best. But, he went. He acted.  He had to go with what he had.

I too acted with my lame leader and rusty casting skills. But I scored a bull’s eye as I hit the target exactly in front of the moving fish. He opened his jaws to the tiny RS2. I lifted and the Brown exploded with powerful surges straining the 5x tippet.  Back and forth we wrestled.  I was careful to not put too much pressure on the tiny hook or fine tippet.  I finally emerged the “victor", even with a "lame" hook and  leader. And, even with I, a somewhat lame fly fisherman.   

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